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It is called a passage.

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Q: What is the elevated trot in dressage that looks like dancing?
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How many kind of horses are used in dancing horses?

Well you know you can use pretty much any breed of horse whenever you are dancing horses or doing Dressage (Dressage is the same things as dancing horses.) But Arabians are probobly the best at it. Any breed of horse can be trained to do dressage. The lower levels of dressage are not so much dancing as much as a predetermined pattern of circles and straight lines, and transitions of the 3 different gaits of the horse. In the higher levels of dressage, like the ones you see in the Olympics that really do look like they are dancing, the majority of these horses are warmbloods imported from Germany, Sweden, The Netherlands, etc. like the Hanovarian, Holsteiner, Trakhner, Westfalen, Swedish Warmblood, Dutch Warmblood, etc. A lot of the times these horses are crossed with Thoroughbreds or other breeds. Also, the Lippizaner stallions are famous for their world renowned show called the Dancing horses, which are some beautiful maneuvers that originated from when horses were used during battle years and years ago.

What does warm spirte do to dancing raisins?

The carbonation goes to the raisins, making them have a reaction to where it looks like they are dancing.

Describe what Ballet dancing looks like?

Ballet is a graceful, swan like dance.

Who is the female dancing on the bus in the cellular south commercial?

It looks like Parminder Nagra from ER. It looks like Parminder Nagra from ER.

Who is in the woman dancing in the big red commercial?

I believe the woman dancing looks like a certain big rump celebrity Kim Kardashian but its just a hunch

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Hawk nests are just mats of sticks, placed on an elevated cliff, or in the fork of a tree.

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who is the woman in the ricola dancing with the stars spoof? she looks so much like Lisa Robertson from QVC

When was dressage invented?

Dressage was invented in the late 1800's to train horses for military combat. It was like bomb proofing.

Do you like dressage?

Yes. ( : Very much so.

Does any one have the answers to the question on the impossible test that asks what is this?

Yes, the answer is "abundance" because it looks like a bun dancing.

What does a picture of a mesa look like?

A mesa looks very similar to a plateau. It is an elevated area of land that has a flat top. It also has steep cliffs.

What do horses look like when doing dressage?

he has to be beautiful and trained