

What is the disadvantage of friction used inbasketball?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: What is the disadvantage of friction used inbasketball?
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Advantage-we can write. Disadvantage- hard to move objects

What are theAdvantage or disadvantage of friction?

The main disadvantage of friction is that energy is required to overcome friction and that energy is effectively wasted. On the other hand, friction enables motion. If there were no friction, it would be like an extreme case of trying to walk on ice or on a very smooth surface with an oil slick on it. You could not get any traction to start moving or, if already moving, it would be impossible to change the magnitude or direction of motion.

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What is disvantages of friction?

One disadvantage of friction is when you fall over and graze your knees on contact with the ground. One advantage is to put on your brakes and bring your vehicle safely to a stop!

What types of friction aren't used much?

There are three types of friction and all are all actually used often. These are static friction, rolling friction, and sliding friction.

What is disadvantage of friction?

1) In machines the mechanical parts which rub with each other wear out. 2) Due to friction between the sole of the shoe and the floor the sole wears out. 3) Tyres of vehicles wear out because of friction. 4) Energy is wasted in overcoming the force of friction.

What does friction have to do with friction?

The type of force used.

When is friction useful?

Friction Is Useful For Lots Of Things Like Walking Or Riding a Bike

Motor oil is used as a lubricant and replaces sliding friction to create which type of friction?

fluid frictionMotor oil replaces sliding friction with fluid friction.Motor oil is used as a lubricant and replaces the sliding friction to create a type of friction known as fluid friction.