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Rugby Football and Rugby Union tend to refer to the same game first codified by the Rugby Football Union (RFU) which is how the English National organisation for Rugby Football is called. All other Unions e.g. SFU, IRFU, WRFU etc have the name of the country within them. The RFU is based at Twickenham, Middlesex around 14 miles to the Southwest of London.

It's currently played by 15 players a side with the essence of the game being that points are scored by touching the ball down behind the goal line by the team who has had to carry the ball all the way down the pitch from where he / she gained possession or the ball having been kicked forward by a player on a team, either that player or someone who was behind them on the pitch when the ball was kicked touches down. Unlike soccer, forward distance can't be gained by passing / kicking the ball forward to another player standing in front of the passing / kicking player.

The major alternative Rugby game is Rugby League or Jeu a Treize which is played by 13 rather than 15 players. They call it rugby football when the players (mainly full backs) kick it backwards and fowards down the pitch.

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