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Q: What is the difference between more developed countries and less developed countries?
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What is the difference between an less economically developed country and an more economically developed country?

difference between life expectancy in developed and underdeveloped countries

What is the difference between developed nd developing countries?

A developed countries means that their economy is developed ,more GDP , high living standard.a less developed country means that their is lack of lletracy less GDP and GNP

What is the difference between developing nations and developed countries?

Developing nations are generally poorer and have more people making less then minimum wage. Developed countries are richer, have relief programs for the poor and less poverty. the income level of standard living

What are some of the differences between homes in less-developed countries and those in developed countries?

Those in a less developed country are not as nice and expensive as those in a developed country. the houses in a less developed country are usually made out of straw, wood and huts.

What is the difference between developing countries and less developed countries?

May be related with potential to develop,some are in stages of developing while others are just a mile behind the success.

What is the Difference between more economically developed country and less economically developed country?

It is the difference between the life expectancy and a more ecoonomically developed country is richer in terms of money, wealth etc. compared to a less economically developed country. A more economically developed country is where the most number of people live like Asia (about 40% live in china and india which are developing countries).

Difference in homes in less developed countries and developed countries?

homes in less developed countries are built more poorly than in developed countries. for example, when the earthquake struck haiti and shortly sfter there was a stronger earthquake in chile, haitis affect was much worse because of their building's structures.

What is the difference between a rural area in a developed and a less developed country?

Rural areas in developed countries, have several things, that less developed coutries have. 1. access to countries infrastructure. i.e. Power, communications. 2. clean water 3. access to food Most rural areas in developed countries, are rural because of farming, or geographical isolation. In many rural areas in less developed countries, there are no organized governments to ensure the aquisition of clean water, food, power, communications, mantainance of those infrastructure items.

What is LDCs?

Less Developed Countries

What is the difference between intranational inequality and international inequality?

International inequality is the wide gap between rich countries and poor countries and how that gap is constantly increasing. Intranational inequality on the other hand is the gap between the rich and the poor within the less developed countries.

Why are public health researchers concerned about exporting health problems associated with developed countries to less developed countries?

The less developed countries don't have the same kinds of medical access to help them deal with diseases, which means that exporting health problems from developed countries to less developed countries could have devastating effects on the less developed countries.

What is the difference between developed and developing?

Developed is past tense which means that it has already occurred, whereas developing is present (continuous) tense and refers something happening currently.With regard to world economies, the distinction is that developed countries have a higher level of production and per capita income than countries defined as developing (less developed).