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The defence.

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Q: What is the basketball team that dose not have possession of the ball called?
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Does a basketball have straight sides?

no it dose not

Dose it count if you shot a basketball and it bouncs on the buzzer does it count?

As long as the ball has left your hands before the buzzer rings, the score should count in the total tally of the match.

Dose it matter if the basketball is new?

no I say the newer the better

What is a ball that dose not bounce?

it is a baseball or a tennisball.

What sports dose Justin bieber like to play?

Hockey and basketball

Dose the size of a ball affect the distance it will roll?

The bigger the ball is the farther it will go.

What dose the brain feel like?

noodles in a ball

Why dose the sun shine?

It is a ball of burning gas

Does a clay ball have bounce?

Hard and dry clay dose not

What is customary dose for certain body weight called?

Usual dose is the term refers to " customary dose for body weight." so Answer to Q. : it is called "Usual dose."

Does freiza from Dragon Ball Z have sisters?

Freiza dose not have a sister

Could a cherish ball catch a Zekrom from Pokemon?

all a cherish ball dose is just do the same thing that a regular Pokemon ball dose. i don't know where to get cherish balls.