

What is the average speed of a horse while running?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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30 to 36 mph

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Q: What is the average speed of a horse while running?
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About 30-35 MPH, possibily 40 MPH for a fast one.

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It depends on the breed.

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Average Speed is different from average speed becoz speed is particular while avera speed is the total distance divided from time

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Yes, it does affect our speed while we are running because if there is more air pressure the force of the pressure is against us and so we slow down while we are running.

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To increase a horses speed while riding all you have to do is squeez with your calves

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do you mean trotting ? i assume your American that's y u call it jogging around 5-10mph Alice 15yrs riding expericae

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The horse skeleton is very strong and curved that makes it ideal for running. Its toes are tip-toed to enable it run very fast.

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