It would be hard to answer and would probably be deciving because in highschool level the deffense of tackle can be played by a rather small kid because their job is to just clog up the middle and stay low, and small kids are effective at that.
one million maybe one billion
The average size of a college defensive lineman can vary depending on the level of play and specific position. Generally, defensive linemen in college football range in size from 6 feet 2 inches to 6 feet 4 inches tall and weigh between 280 and 300 pounds. However, there can be exceptions, and some linemen may be smaller or larger than this average range.
NFHSA seals balls @ 5ozs X 9"
There is no straight answer to this question. The size of the pool at any particular school would depend on the needs of that school, local laws and ordnances, the engineering, the average number of expected users, how the pool is to be used, etc.
Size 5.
Yearbooks are typically between 40-100 dollars. Middle schools are usually cheaper than highschools. It depends on the size of the school you go to, the size of the book, or the yearbook company you use.
The largest recorded class size for high school graduation is Plano East Senior High School located at 3000 Los Rios Boulevard and it had 2,599 graduates.
studies have shown that in average-size high schools daily, about 437 phones are taken away
School desk vary greatly in size: from school to school and from country to country. When at school we had triple and double desks, other schools had mainly singles.