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Q: What is the average points which a premiership team would be relegated?
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Are there any teams in the English Premiership League that have never been relegated?

If I am not wrong, Everton F. C. are the only ones to have never been relegated. Tottenham Hotspurs were never relegated from the Premiership League they never been in the bottom Three and top Four ARSENAL ALSO HAVE NEVER BEEN RELEGATED FROM ENGLANDS TOP FLIGHT. You're wrong about all of those 3. Everton and Arsenal have both, indeed, been relegated from England's to flight (Arsenal (as Woolwich Arsenal) in 1913, Everton in 1930 and again in 1951. It would be ridiculous to claim that Woolwich Arsenal and Arsenal weren't the same club. Tottenham fniished in the top 4 of the Premiership, er, last year.

How can teams gain points in the English premiership league?

There are only two ways in which teams can gain points in the English Premiership League.- One way is by Winning a match, every win gives a team Three Points. Therefore Five Wins from a club would result in Fifteen Points.- The other way is by Drawing a match, every draw gives a team One Point, Therefore Five Draws would result in Five Points.- Every loss, results in no points being won.

If footy teams have same points and same goal difference who is relegated. Do away or home goals come into the calculation?

If they can not be separated by goal difference, they would go by head to head record.

What is the average amount of injury time played in premiership football matches?

Roughly the amount of injury time played would be two minutes.

What does it mean when it say 5 points less than the average?

x-5. x= Average. So, if the average is 80, you would subract 5, and the answer would be 75. :)

What is the average amount of Accelerated Reader points a sixth grader gets?

i would say 20-30 points are expected

How much does an average footballer earn per year in Britain?

Sorry i don't have a definitive answer for you. Also, you have not specified whether you meant just in the premiership, or throughout every division in the country. I would estimate that the average footballer in the premiership earns around £25,000 per week. This would not include the whole reserve squad etc, just ones playing and on the bench. In the lower leagues such as the conference, they may be earning around £500 per week.

What is an average IQ score for a 12 year old?

The average would be a score of 100. There is a standard spread of about 10 points either way.

Is it easier to calculate speed or average speed?

I'm sure that average speed would be easier to calculate than instantaneous speed. To calculate average speed, just take the time that it takes to travel between two points, and divide that into the distance between the points.

When sunderland won fa cup did they get relegated?

No, they had been in Division 2 and would stay there for a few years.

Who is the oldest player to ever score on their premiership debut?

The oldest player to ever score on the premiership debut would be at the age of 43. The name of the 43 year old is Vic Cumberland.

Is it possible to get at 5.0?

If you are talking about a GPR or GPA, no you cannot achieve a 5.0. A GPR is the average of your grades. A's are worh 4 points. There is not a grade worth 5 points. If you have ten A's, that would be 40 points. When you divide this number by 10, you get a GPR of 4.0. Even if your class average is more than 100 points, you still only receive an 'A' in the course, 4 points.