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Q: What is so popular about men basketball that is less popular than women basketball?
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How popular is women's college basketball compared to men's college basketball?

Mens college basketball is astronomically more popular than the womens. Not even women watch the womens version. An example of how much more popular it is. The Ncaa Final Four are officially called the Men's tournament and women's tournament. However the men's version is referred to as "Te Tournament" and the women's as, "The Woman's Tournament."

Is men's basketball more interesting than women's basketball?


Is netball the most famous sport for women?

It is not the most popular sport. Tennis, basketball and soccer are actually more famous than netball. However, netball is a very popular sport for younger women ages 7-16

Why does a softball weigh less than a basketball?

Strictly a matter of which possesses the greater mass. If the softball has less mass than a basketball, it must weigh less.

Is football more populare than basketball?

That depends on whether you mean to play or to watch. To play, basketball is much more popular due to its less aggressive nature. One can also pick up a ball and play anytime as little equipment is required. Football is probably more popular to watch.

Does basketball sell more tickets than baseball?

I think it does because of the fact that basketball is more popular than baseball.

Do Mexico teams play basketball?

Yes. Although it is much less known than Mexican football (soccer), basketball is one of the most popular sports in Mexico, especially among youngsters. There is even a national basketball league, which includes 16 teams.

Which object has the least mass of a paperclip and basketball?

A paperclip has much less mass than a basketball.

Why is basketball a good sport for urban areas?

it does not require as much equipment(and is therefore cheaper) and can be played with less players than other popular sports such as baseball and football.

Is Basketball more popular than BAseball?

In my opinion yes because I know more people that play basketball than baseball.

Is women basketball better than men?

No, no it definitely is NOT. yes. yes it is.

Why is it that the men's basketball players get paid more than women's basketball players?

Supply and Demand. More people fill 20000 arenas for 82 games for men. LEss people for less games for less price see women. So if demand and profit is high, wages are higher for players. So women should start dunking or something, sorry