

What is pilate practice by?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What is pilate practice by?
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Who was pontius Pilate emperor?

Pilate was not Emperor, he was Governor.

When was Pilate's Dream created?

Pilate's Dream was created in 1971.

What do both Pilate and Herod tell the council?

first he was sent to Pilate and Pilate believed he was the king so he sent him to Herod and Herod believe him too so he sent him back to Pilate.

How did pilate feel after jesus' death?

Pilate was greatly upset according to history , so was his wife that Pilate in the end commited suicide.

When was Trial Before Pilate created?

Trial Before Pilate was created in 1971.

Who was crucified by Pontius Pilate?

Jesus and two robbers were crucified by Pontius Pilate.

How did pontius pilate sentenced Jesus to death?

Pontius Pilate was able to sentence Jesus to death because he had the authority to do so. Pilate was the procurator, or assistant to the governor of Syria, who was in charge of Judaea at the time of Jesus. Pilate acted in the name of the governor, who, in turn, acted in the name of the emperor.Pontius Pilate was able to sentence Jesus to death because he had the authority to do so. Pilate was the procurator, or assistant to the governor of Syria, who was in charge of Judaea at the time of Jesus. Pilate acted in the name of the governor, who, in turn, acted in the name of the emperor.Pontius Pilate was able to sentence Jesus to death because he had the authority to do so. Pilate was the procurator, or assistant to the governor of Syria, who was in charge of Judaea at the time of Jesus. Pilate acted in the name of the governor, who, in turn, acted in the name of the emperor.Pontius Pilate was able to sentence Jesus to death because he had the authority to do so. Pilate was the procurator, or assistant to the governor of Syria, who was in charge of Judaea at the time of Jesus. Pilate acted in the name of the governor, who, in turn, acted in the name of the emperor.Pontius Pilate was able to sentence Jesus to death because he had the authority to do so. Pilate was the procurator, or assistant to the governor of Syria, who was in charge of Judaea at the time of Jesus. Pilate acted in the name of the governor, who, in turn, acted in the name of the emperor.Pontius Pilate was able to sentence Jesus to death because he had the authority to do so. Pilate was the procurator, or assistant to the governor of Syria, who was in charge of Judaea at the time of Jesus. Pilate acted in the name of the governor, who, in turn, acted in the name of the emperor.Pontius Pilate was able to sentence Jesus to death because he had the authority to do so. Pilate was the procurator, or assistant to the governor of Syria, who was in charge of Judaea at the time of Jesus. Pilate acted in the name of the governor, who, in turn, acted in the name of the emperor.Pontius Pilate was able to sentence Jesus to death because he had the authority to do so. Pilate was the procurator, or assistant to the governor of Syria, who was in charge of Judaea at the time of Jesus. Pilate acted in the name of the governor, who, in turn, acted in the name of the emperor.Pontius Pilate was able to sentence Jesus to death because he had the authority to do so. Pilate was the procurator, or assistant to the governor of Syria, who was in charge of Judaea at the time of Jesus. Pilate acted in the name of the governor, who, in turn, acted in the name of the emperor.

What was the role of Pilate as governor?

Pontius Pilate was governor of Judaea 26-36 CE.

Who was the person who warned Pilate because of a dream about Jesus?

The wife of Pontius Pilate came to him and told him she had had a dream about Jesus the previous night, and that he was an innocent man. Pilate disregarded her.

Did Pontius Pilate wring his hands after he condemned Jesus to death?

Pilate washed his hands, not wrung them.

What was pilate's pontius wife's dream?

That jesus was innocent. and she told Pilate not to have anything to do with a just man.

Was Pontius Pilate married?

Yes Pontius Pilate was married, as it was his wife who told him not to have anything to do with Jesus.