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A feint Dodge is literally when you pretend to run in one direction in order to confuse your marker then run in the opposite direction. Feint literally means make a deceptive or distracting movement. You face the direction you are trying to make your marker run it, transfer your weight from your back foot to your front foot, looking to drive out in that direction.

The moment you see the marker mirror your movements you push back off your front foot, twist your body so that you are facing the opposite direction and drive out in the other direction.

The marker is then running in the wrong direction, usually you can then signal with your outside hand that you are free to receive the ball when you have got into space.

A double - feint dodge or demi - dodge is when you pretend to drive out twice in opposite directions and then go back to your original direction to run in.

This may be if your marker has worked out what you are doing.

This can be repeated as many times as you need.

I'm a Netball coach and this is how I would explain it :)

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11y ago

A feints is when a player uses ball handling skills to fake a pass to another of his team members when surrounded by an opposing team defender. Feints are used to throw off direction and to trick your opposing team. Its not just passing that a player could feint (fake) a player could fake a jump shot and make a pass to less guarded team member etc. A player can feint anything!

It helps to understand little technical vocab in Basketball to understand. And basketball 'feinting' has nothing to do with collapsing on the ground ('fainting')

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