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Your mom is the dominant hand >:)

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Q: What is a dominant hand in basketball?
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Related questions

Does your hand and eye dominant affect if the basketball goes in the hoop?

Yes, it does.

What is a weakside in basketball?

A weak side is the side of a basketball player which does not have their dominant hand. For example, if you are defending somebody and you know they are right handed, you can force them to use their left hand, which is their weak side.

Why does writing look better with the dominant hand versus the non-dominant hand?

People have better fine motor skills with the dominant hand.

How can the word dominant be used in a sentence?

The basketball team was a dominant force in the league.

In CPR why dominant hand is top on non dominant hand?

Dominant hand can be on top or on the bottom during CPR. It depends on which position is more comfortable while performing the compressions. There is no requirement to have the dominant hand on top.

Which is your fastest hand dominant or non dominant?

In my opinion it is dominant.

How to juggle?

2 balls in dominant hand. 1 in other. throw one ball up from dominant hand. while ball is at top crest, throw ball in non dominant hand. when ball is at crest, throw ball in dominant hand. repeat

How do you you sign in?

the word "in" is signed by taking a bent dominant hand and placing it in a clawed non-dominant hand

How do you sign the word world in sign language?

If you're using American Sign Language you would make a "W" with both your hands, your dominant hand under your non-dominant hand. Then turn your dominant hand so your fingers point to the ground, then to your self and ends on top of your non-dominant hand.

What was Bethany Hamiltons dominant hand before attack?

She is right-handed and she lost her left arm.

Which hand does a lady use to to stir her tea?

Her dominant hand.

Is the dominant hand a good indicator of the dominant hemisphere of the brain Why or Why not?

Yes, many of the functions you do with the dominant hand determines which side of the brain is more used. Be careful though, the right hand is controlled by the left side of the brain, and vice versa with the left hand.