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Q: What is a combination of sounds with distinct pitches and a specific pattern is?
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Meaning of a combination of sounds and distinct pitches following a specified pattern?

meaning of a combination of sounds and distinct pitches and specific pattern

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Sound created using specific pitches and a regular pattern?


When specific pitches and sounds are put together in a pattern what are they called?


Does a talking drum produce a specific pitch?

Yes, they can produce specific pitches.

You refer to specific pitches or tones with letter names using the letters A through G?

Yes, specific pitches or tones are referred to using the letters A through G.

How many notes are there in a minor scale?

It contains 7 distinct pitches, plus the tonic is often repeated at the octave.

What is the name of Plato's idea that certain planets had specific pitches?

Music of the Spheres

How many singing pitches are there?

In solfege there are seven syllables used: do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti (somtimes si). But there are 12 distinct pitches in the standard diatonic system, (the dodecaphonic or chromatic scale) and they are all singable.

What is a isorhythm?

Isorhythm (from the Greek for "the same rhythm") is a musical technique that arranges a fixed pattern of pitches with a repeating rhythmic pattern.

How can different notes or pitches be produced?

A tone generator function or software synthesizer plug-in can be used to generate specific frequencies or notes.

Is Field Hockey Played on a Wet Field?

Not necessarily,you can play on a water based pitches, but there are sand pitches, gravel pitches and astro turf pitches.