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You can fry and roast, cock roaches, crickets and even snails. The most common ones are cock roaches. They are used mostly in thai foods and serves with BBQ dip and vinegar.

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Q: What insects are fried and roasted?
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Chicken. It can be fried, baked, roasted, broil, grilled, stir fried, sun dried, ate raw.

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Cabbage can be fried, boiled, roasted, steamed, and even grilled.

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It translates to "roasted gram" in English. It is generally referred to as chutney dal or fried channa.

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You can, but as bland and starchy as it is, it is typically boiled, sauteed, fried, or roasted first. There are some preparations that are fermented (mahr, ma, and masi), others that are pickled.

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It must be kiufte.its kinda kebab made of mince,mostly fried or roasted on BBQ

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It translates to "roasted gram" in English. It is generally referred to as chutney dal or fried channa.

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How do you cook grasshoopers in Mexico?

They are usually roasted, or fried with chili pepper and garlic. Chapulines are consumed as a snack, not as a main dish.

How do you eat a snake?

Pretty much the way you would eat anything. You cook it up and eat it. I've roasted rattlesnake over an open fire. It can be stewed, fried, baked and roasted just like any other meat.