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kept it in the team clubhouse

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Q: What have the penguins done with the Stanley Cup during the summer?
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What is summer school for?

dumb kids who didn't get their work done during the year

What can be done for the Penguins?

Stop poluting!!

Why load-shedding is done during summer in karnataka?

Load shedding in Maharashtra is an effort to ration out electricity so that consumers have similar access. Load shedding involves cutting off the electricity in certain parts of the area for a specific number of hours each day.

What can be done to protect the penguins?

they can peck the predator or what ever

What is being done to protect the afrian penguins?

Cause they can

Where is it possible to view ideas for what to do during summer holidays?

Ideas for things that can be done over the summer holidays can be found on newspaper and lifestyle magazines/ wesites, especially if you search their archives.

What is being done to protect the galapagos penguins?

The penguins live in the Galapagos national park which protects them from being touched or disturbed by the public.

When will there be a water dojo?

Probably when moste of the penguins are done with the fire one.

What job has John Battelle done that you would never predict?

John Battelle worked at the maintenance desk and cleaned toilets during a summer job at Lair of the Bear, a family summer camp.

What is the injustice done in holes the movie?

stanley was punished for the shoes he didnt steal

Name some activities done during summer?

Depends on what kind of activities your into, if you like outdoors then try fishing, go to the beach, swimming, wakeboarding, hiking or rafting.

Can i take out my piercing to play sport just after i get it done?

i would definetly not recommend you take out a fresh piercing. it's not fully healed,can close easy,or can be irritated. you should just get it done during summer time or when your sports are over with.