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Q: What happens to the air resistance acting on a faling skydiver is they are speeding up?
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Why won't a skydiver's speed continue to increase until his or her parachute opens?

Once a skydiver jumps off the plane, they will begin picking up speed. However, as the speed of the skydiver increases, the amount of air resistance acting upon them will also increase. The skydiver will continue to accelerate while his or her weight is greater than the air resistance. When the force of the air resistance becomes equal to the weight of the skydiver, the skydiver will stop accelerating and will continue falling at a constant speed, this is known as the terminal velocity. While travelling at terminal velocity, the skydiver will be able to adjust his or her body position in a way that will increase or decrease the air resistance and allow the diver to alter their speed. Releasing his or her parachute will drastically increase the amount of air resistance and therefore slow their descent significantly.

What happens to a moving object with zero nets force acting on it?

Certainly. Say you have an object that has been falling through the air for a long time, say a skydiver. After falling for a long time, the skydiver will fall at a constant velocity. This is called terminal velocity, and this is when the air resistance pushing up around the skydiver is equal to the force of gravity pulling the skydiver down. The skydiver is not accelerating. By using F= ma, with zero acceleration, there is zero net force. The skydiver is moving as if there are no forces acting on the skydiver.

I Need to know what happens when a pram is moving i need to 1Know when pram is speeding up and slowing down and what forces affect wheels 2When pram is speeding up normal slowing down?

The main forces acting on the pram will be the force the person pushing the pram exerts on it, the friction against the ground and air resistance. When the pram is speeding up the force the pusher exerts will be larger than the combined force of the air resistance and the friction against the ground. When the pram is moving at a constant speed the forces acting on it will be balanced I.e. pushing force= air resistance+friction. When the pram is slowing down the air resistance and the friction will be greater than the pushing force.

What are the forces acting on a skydiver?

Drag, I think? drag is good

When a skydiver jumps out of an airplane there are two forces acting on her gravity and air resistance After falling for a few seconds the forces due to gravity and air resistance balance each other?

Your question is slightly confusing as you seem to have answered it yourself. A little extra though, the speed at which the skydiver is now travelling is called terminal velocity and it is the fastest an object can travel with only gravity + air resistance acting on it as forces. Due to differing air resistances everything has its own unique terminal velocity and it is possible to alter it, this is the principle behind a parachute.

Name something that needs to travel slowly through air how does it manage this?

A skydiver - he uses a parachute that slows him down as a result of air resistance acting on the surface of the parachute

What is a skydivers velocity after 2 seconds?

Acceleration due to gravity is 9.8m/s/s, which is the same as 9.8m/s2. An acceleration of 9.8m/s/s means that with each passing second, the velocity of the skydiver increases by 9.8m/s. Therefore, after two seconds. a skydiver's velocity would be 19.6m/s. The acceleration will continue at 9.8m/s/s until the skydiver reaches terminal velocity, at which point the weight of the skydiver and the air resistance will be balanced, so the net force acting on the skydiver will be zero, at which point there will be no further acceleration.

What forces are acting on a skydiver?

Under free fall, the only force acting upon an object is the force of gravity. But realistically, there is also the force of friction from the air (Air Resistance) that opposes the force of gravity.

How much air resistance acts on a 500 N skydiver that falls at her terminal velocity?

500 N is pressumably the weight, due to gravity. "Terminal velocity" means that the forces are in balance; the total force acting on the skydiver are zero. This is only possible if there is a 500 N force due to friction, to counteract the weight.

When a skydiver has reached terminal speed what is the air resistance equal to?

Fnet=Fgravity-Fair resistance At terminal velocity Force Net = 0 during this time Fgravity = Fair resistance if you weight is 85kg Fgravity = Mass x G = 85x 9.8 = 833N your at terminal velocity when Air resistance is equal to 833 Newtons

What is the name of the speed when air resistant and gravity stop a falling object from speeding up or slowing down?

Terminal Velocity is the speed that a falling object achieves when the drag forces that occur from air resistance are equal to the gravitational forces acting on the object.

What forces are acting when you are riding and then thrown from your bike?

The forces acting on the bike is gravity, air resistance and friction.