Alfonso Soriano's birth name is Alfonso Guilleard Soriano.
Alfonso Soriano goes by Sori.
No. Alfonso and Rafael Soriano are not related.
Alfonso Soriano was born on January 7, 1976.
Alfonso Soriano was born on January 7, 1976.
MLB player Alfonso Soriano bats right.
MLB player Alfonso Soriano throws right.
Alfonso Soriano uses a 33 to 36 ounce bat. The bat is 35 inches long. He has had a successful career with that choice of bat.
Alfonso Soriano is 41 years old (birthdate: January 7, 1976).
Alfonso Soriano is number 12 on the New York Yankees.
MLB player Alfonso Soriano made $19000000 in the 2014 season.
Alfonso Soriano is a baseball player from the Dominican Republic. He was born on January 7, 1976. Details of Soriano's parents are scarce, but they are both deceased.