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Water: Tai Chi

Fire: Northern Shaolin

Earth: Hung Gar

Air: Ba Gua Zhang

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Q: What forms of karate do each element group use in the Last Airbender?
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Groups of atoms joined together form?

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An element in group 2 of the periodic table typically forms 2 covalent bonds, as it has 2 valence electrons available for bonding. This allows the element to achieve a full outer shell and attain stability.

What form is aluminum?

a solid substance (s), a group 3 element, that forms a positive ion. it reacts with air, although this is not commonly known as it quickly forms a protective coating of aluminum oxide.

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"Carbonate" is not an element or an element group; instead, it is a polyatomic anion and is one of a large group of oxyanions.

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Sodium is a soft solid element that reacts readily with oxygen. When exposed to air, sodium forms a tarnish of sodium oxide.

What is the order of an element in a group?

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The element "Cadmium" is in group number 12.

If a new element were discovered and it was found to form 1 and minus ions in which group would you place it in the periodic table?

The element would likely be placed in Group 1 of the periodic table since it forms +1 ions.

Which element is the first element in group 1?

If we look at the periodic table, we can see that the first element in Group I is Hydrogen.