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Q: What force is most likely to cause a basketball thrown into the air to return to the ground?
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How is parabola used in basketball?

A thrown basketball follows a path that can be approximated by a parabola. The approximation ignores air resistance and any curve imparted by spin on the ball. Over the distances involved, both are likely to be negligible.

Why does basketball need forces?

Basketball needs forces so the ball is able to be thrown to the ring or another player.

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How much garbage is thrown on the ground?


What weapon of a knight can be thrown and what is its name?

Spear most likely, it can be thrown too.

Are you more likely to survive a collision if you are thrown from the vehicle.?

You are not more likely to survive a collision if you are thrown from the vehicle. You need to wear a seat belt.

How far could the basketball be thrown?

First of all, a basketball could be thrown far if the person throwing it was strong, while if a weak person throws it, it won't go as far. So as you can see, it depends on how muscular the person is.

Which force makes a thrown ball fall back to the ground?

Gravity is the force which makes a thrown ball fall back to the ground. It is the force which attracts all objects to the Earth.

Why do objects fall to the ground when thrown upward?

Objects fall to the ground because of the force of gravity.

When is the potential energy of a basketball the greatest?

Right before it is thrown or right when it bounces

When should eggs be thrown in the garbage?

Eggs should be thrown in the garbage when they crack open on the ground completely or when they start to rot

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