

What fluids do you need for football exercises?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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water (re-hydration)

isotonic or electrolyte drinks (replenish essential salts and minerals lost through sweat)

protein shake (after exercise to help repair muscles used...only if high protein meal is not convenient)

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13y ago
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Q: What fluids do you need for football exercises?
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What sort of fluids can you take for different exercises?

All you need is water.

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What are some exercises that football players do?

lunges, squats.

How do you increase your stamina in football?

football involves cardiovascular exercises which increase your stamina and other parts of your health

What are some different exercises?

Swimming, Running, Gymnastics, Dancing and Football.

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Headaches Increased blood flow (with more oxygen) to the back of the brain. Drink lots of fluids and do relaxation exercises when smoking your blood vesasels were constricted.

Do specific football exercises exist?

Yes, you'll find that the majority of football-specific exercises are based on a combination of cardio, agility, and weight training. Pushups, jumping jacks, and crunches are all frequently seen in an athletic program. Try looking for a football training workout DVD online to get some example workouts, and then you can design your own from there.

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you need ability in football for your speed

What do you need fluids?

You need fluids so that your body can function correctly, such as water to stop your body from drying out and blood to keep all your body parts working.

What exercises would help strenghten my knee?

There are several simple exercises one can do to strengthen the knee including bodyweight squats, stability hamstring curl, barbell calf raises, glute bridge, and IT band stretch. While doing these exercises it is important to drink plenty of fluids and make sure that one's sneakers have plenty of support.

What level of education you need for football?

you need to be good to become a football player

Do you lose more body fluids when active?

Yes, The more you are bodily active (through physical exercises, running, ... etc) the more you are warmer and the body temperature gets higher. Accordingly, the more you lose body fluids; through sweating; to reduce the temperature through evaporation.