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It would be much easier to kick a soccer ball forty yards.

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Q: What easier to do kick a Bowling ball 40 yards or kick a Soccer ball 40 yards?
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Why is it easier to stop a soccer ball than a bowling ball?

It depends on how fast they're going. A bowling ball is much heavier, therefore has more momentum if they're both travelling at the same speed.

Is the mass of a bowling ball greater than the mass of a soccer ball?

Yes, the mass of a typical bowling ball is greater than the mass of a soccer ball. A regulation bowling ball usually weighs around 6-16 pounds, while a standard soccer ball weighs about 0.4-0.5 pounds.

What is the bowling ball and soccer ball thing again on newtons second law of motion?

A bowling ball and a soccer ball, dropped from the same height will hit the ground at exactly the same time.

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What are examples of newtons seconed law of motion?

probably a bowling ball and a soccer ball. please be careful with the bowling ball though.

If soccer ball and a bowling ball are about the same size why does the bowling ball have more mass?

The bowling ball is denser than the soccer ball, meaning it has more mass packed into the same volume. This is due to the material and construction of the bowling ball, which is designed to weigh more for the sport it is used in.

Does rolling soccer ball needs more force to stop than a rolling bowling ball?

Any amount of force can stop either kind of ball. But a greater force is required to stop a bowling ball than to stop a soccer ball IN THE SAME TIME, because the bowling ball has more mass, and therefore more momentum and more kinetic energy.

What makes a bowling ball harder to stop than a soccer ball when they are both traveling at the same speed?

The bowling ball is harder to stop because it has a greater mass, and therefore a greater momentum. But the answer is that the bowling ball has a greater mass.

What are some sports Italians play?

bowling, soccer, bocce ball

What is bigger a soccer ball or a bowling ball?

It matters. They both have different sizes.peace out

Do a bowling ball and soccer ball have anything in common?

They are both balls and they are both spheres, obviously.

What ball has a greater density softball or soccer ball?

Because a soccer ball is made of "polished" pieces of fabric sown together and a bowling ball is made of Urethane, which is optimized ceramic material which has been partially hollowed and a core has been placed in the middle, I would say bowling ball.