

What do lions do to help us?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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15y ago

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Lions get rid of carcasses of animals , lying n the jungle.

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How do people help lions?

People help lions by creating preserves so that the lions are not hunted and their habitat is not destroyed. People can also help lions by educating future generations so that the lions are protected.

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I, personally, am dong nothing to help lions.

How can you help the lions?

Yes humans can help lions buy not hunting and killing them and letting them live in peace in the wild

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What is the point of lions?

Lions help complete the food chain without them the food chain could collapse.

Do lions have a relationship with humans?

yes b-cuz we can kill them and the lions can brutally maul us.

How do lions help?

please be more specific with what you mean.

Why should people help lions?

because their poor

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the lions claws help them to grab their pray therefore they are now able to use their teeth to clamp around their preys neck suffocating their prey.

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The answer is the animal that hunt the Hyena are: Lions, Jaguar and crocodiles

What animals call the African Savannah home?

lions and cheetahs, cheetahs are not as tough as lions so they need their speed to help them