

Best Answer

china has dominated the Badminton olympic table for the longest time.

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Q: What country has the most olympic gold metals for badminton?
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What country has won the most Olympic gold medals for badminton?

China (obvious much?)

Are olympic gold medals gold?

Olympic gold metals are no longer made of solid gold. They do still contain gold, but are made of mostly silver.

What are 3 metals in olympic medals?

Gold, silver, bronze

What is the value of a 2010 olympic bronze metal?

Yes, All metals are of the same value. They count the total metals, Not the gold, silver and bronze separately.(which i find dumb)So the country with the most metals wins.

How many Olympic gold metals does Lebron James have?

69er babey

Is gabby Douglas famous?

She won 2 Olympic gold metals.

Why is gabby Douglas famous?

She won 2 Olympic gold metals.

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Is Denmark famous for any sport?

Various - we've got Olympic Badminton and Handball Gold medalist teams.

Is Thailand in olympic games 2008?

2 gold metals and 2 silver metals 2golds is from weightlifting and boxing 2 gold metals and 2 silver metals 2golds is from weightlifting and boxing

Who pays for Gold Olympic medals?

The Olympic committee of that country. 25,000$

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