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Q: What countries did Kenya compete in the Olympic games?
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What countries do not compete in he Olympic games?

India, I think

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The one with potebtial can compete

How many countries compete in the Beijing Olympic games?

204 Countries participated in the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympic games.

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Olympic GamesThe olympic games is a event where all countries of their best players compete and win.

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What countries compete in the Commonwealth Games?

Five countries that participate in the Commonwealth Games are England, Wales, Scotland, Jamaica and Kenya.

How many countries compete in the2012 Olympic Games?

204 countries have sent a least one athlete

Do the same countries compete in the world championships and olympic games?

It is really up to the countries state of law

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Micheal Phelps - Needs Improvement Olympic games of what year? Usially they are sportsmen as any others from other countries