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Q: What characteristic determines if a wave is a mechanical wave?
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What wave characteristic determines energy of light wave?

Frequency is the number of waves that pass a point per unit of time. Amplittude is the distanc from the crest or trough of the wave to an imaginary line. The amout of energy used determines the amplitude and frequency of a wave.

Which characteristic of sound is associated with frequency?

We perceive the loudness of a sound wave as a consequence of its amplitude. The frequency of a sound wave determines the pitch we perceive.

Which wave characteristic is affected by the loudness or the intensity of sound?

Amplitude. (In the particle theory of light, brightness is determined by the number of photons).

Is a tidal wave a mechanical wave?

A tidal wave is a water wave so it is a mechanical wave.

Was the Kashmir earthquake caused by a mechanical wave or electromagnetic wave?

A mechanical wave.

Is an ocean wave mechanical wave?

Yes, an ocean wave is a mechanical wave, since the water is the medium of the wave.

What determines the loudness of a sound wave?

The amplitude determines the loudness of a sound wave.

is An electromagnetic wave is a mechanical wave/true or false?

True, because mechanical waves require a medium for propagation.

Which of the following is not a mechanical wave' a transverse a longitudinal or a electromagnetic?

An electromagnetic wave is not a mechanical wave.

Is a mechanical wave a transverse wave?

A mechanical wave is any wave pattern that results from one or many forces. A mechanical wave can be a transverse wave, such as seen on a violin string, or a longditudinal wave, such as sound waves.

Is an ultrasound wave mechanical vibrating energy?

ultrasound wave is a wave due to mechanical vibration,