

What can you do to defend from a earthquake?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What can you do to defend from a earthquake?
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Is that the actual spelling of defend?

Yes, 'defend' is how you spell defend.

Where is an earthquake's focus located?

An earthquake's Focus is located directly under the Epicenter of an earthquake. The Epicenterof an earthquake is located on the surface of the earthquake.

Where was there an earthquake today?

Japan had Tsunami and an Earthquake Kansas had an earthquake

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in ntsd 2.4 are not hellmoves fixed but in the finish version SAKURA ---defend,down,attack,defend,up,attack TEMARI----defend,forward,attack,defend,upward,jump GARA------defend,down,jump,defend,up,jump SHINO----defend,up,attack,defend,down,jump,defend KAKASHI--attack,defend,down,jump

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The 1933 Sanriku earthquake was a major earthquake.

Why is a earthquake called a earthquake?

When an earthquake happens the earth quakes, it shakes.

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the worst earthquake in history is the hediezz earthquake

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The source of earthquake waves is the epicenter of the earthquake.

What type of earthquake was the japan earthquake of 2010?

It was a 9.0 level earthquake

How is energy of an earthquake stored before the earthquake?

the energy is stored before the earthquake in the exinstle manner of the earthquake. The exinstile manner is below the earthquake where the rumble happens.

Was the 1931 hawkes bay earthquake the same as the napier earthquake?

yes the Hawkes bay earthquake is the some as the Napier earthquake

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the largest earthquake possibleis the larges earthquake possible