

What are two violations that can occur while dribbling?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Double dibble and carry

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Q: What are two violations that can occur while dribbling?
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More information needs to be known. Two tickets for WHAT? Traffic violations are misdemeanors which must occur in the officers presence in order to be cited for them. However, officers can also issue "tickets" (summonses) for other minor violations such as minor drug use/possession, trash violations, etc - etc.

What are two key things you should think about when dribbling the ball?

Pass or shoot.

Explain the term of double dribbling?

It is when you get the ball and dribble than if you pick up your dibble then dribble again

When you take more than two steps without dribbling what is it called?

It is called traveling.

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Many head-on collisions may occur on two lane roads while passing, when there is oncoming traffic.

Is traveling in a basketball violation or a foul?

The traveling violation occurs when person throws ball on the court and another player receives it and moves both feet without dribbling the ball.

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How many steps can you take without bouncing a ball basketball?

After catching the basketball in the air, the player has the ability to take two steps. After two steps, the player must stop. He/she may rotate on a pivot foot or may move freely, as long as they stop after catching the basketball in the air.This is assuming that by catch the player catches the ball with 2 hands, as if they control the ball with one hand, they don't have to stop at all.

In basketball what is the penalty called when you run with the ball in your hand?

Two steps or more without dribbling is called travelling

Can you dribble using two hands?

Yes you can. That would involve dribbling with one hand and passing it over to the other hand, thus dribbling with two hands.