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Q: What are the names of all the bungees?
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How do you cross bungees in rocket slime?

elasto blast at a diagonal at the bungees and u will bounce back and forth across the space/chasm that u r trying to cross

What are bungees?

Bungee goggles are goggles that prevent chlorine in the water from getting in the swimmer's eyes.

Are bungee cords attached to tables in space?

They can be, but velcro or snap closures are preferred because bungees can snap and hurt someone in a confined space, like the space station or shuttle.

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All of Our Names was created in 2003.

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All the Names was created in 1997.

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These names are the names of chemical elements.

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What is the ISBN of All the Names?

The ISBN of All the Names is 1-86046-642-7.

What are all the names of all the GI Joe seasons?

The Seasons don't have individual names.