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Q: What are the good points advantages of playing team sports?
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Because you get a natural high from playing sports.

What are the disadvantages of sports in Ghana?

This disadvantage of playing sports in Ghana is that it is quite a poor country and does not have very good playing fields.

Why is playing sports good for your heart?

So you can have it later

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Basicly Skill Points are how good you are in a Sport. If you Manage to get 1,000 Skill Points you reach PRO ranking

Does advantage mean a good point of something?

Exactly; when you consider the advantages and the disadvantages of anything (let us say, driving cars) you are talking about the good points (it gets you to your destination very efficiently) and the bad points (it contributes to air pollution and global warming). Advantages are the good points, the desirable features.

Is playing sports fun write topic sentence?

I love playing all sports.

What are the good and bad benefits of playing sports?

U can get the girls

What are the good and bad points of wolves?

Good points are they keep the deer and elk population in check, they are beautiful animals, their howls are beautiful, and there are no bad points. Wolves are freakin' awesome.

What are the advantages of information technology in sports?

If you can't measure it, you can't train it might be a good answer to this question.

Why is playing sports in school good?

You keep fit and if your good you might get a collage scholarship to a good university.

How does sportsmanship affect sports?

Sportsmanship affects sports positively. Good sportsmanship makes players feel good about themselves and their efforts. This causes people playing those sports to feel good about each other.

Is there a connection between sports and healthy eating?

Yes, you need a good nutritional diet to pase yourself while playing sports and running. Eating healthy can help you a lot while playing sports.