

What are the famous baseball team in America?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What are the famous baseball team in America?
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You can become a famous baseball player by entering on a team and try to be the best one and you will be a famous baseball player

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The famous Brooklyn Dodgers were a baseball team.

What sport is America famous for?

Baseball basketball no problem

What was the first team sport in America?

Um baseball?

Who are the most famous basketball team?

Well, the Jazz are very famous. And very well liked.

What sport words start with Y?

The Yankees (New York Yankees) are a Major League Baseball team. Yachting is a sport. The America's Cup is a famous yachting race.

What are the famous spotrs in America?

baseball, lacrosse,football and bascketball

Is baseball the highest paid team sport in America?

no, soccer players get paid the most in America

What baseball team has a famous chicken as a mascot?

The San Diego Chicken was probably the most famous mascot.

List out famous team names with their meaning?

The Los Angeles Dodgers (baseball 'team'); dodging defeat.

Are there any famous baseball players who survived the Holocaust?

No there arn't. The "famous" baseball players were living in America where the German rule wasn't enforced.

What is a famous sport in the US?

The United States of America is famous for both football and baseball. Baseball is a sport that is derived from cricket and football is derived from rugby.