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Q: What Olympic country won the most Olympic medals this year?
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What country has won the most Olympic gold medals in one year?

256 USA

What year did us win the most summer olympic medals?

what year did the US win the most summer Olympic medals?

What country has won the most winter Olympic gold medals in a single year?

Canada. They won 14 Golds at the 2010 Winter Olympics.

What year did Australia win the most Bronze medals?

Australia won 23 bronze medals at the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games, the most of any for Australia.

Who holds the most Olympic gold medals in individual events in a single Olympic year?

Michael Phelps 2008 with 8 golds in swimming

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Which country holds he most gold medals won in a year?


How is a country declared the overall winner of the Olympics?

Well this year if you go by total gold medals Canada would've won with their 14 gold medals (Olympic record), but if you go by total The United States would've won with 37 total medals (Olympic record) and Canada third place in total medals with 26.

Who won the most Olympic medals in a year?

Michael Phelps won 9 in the 2008 Beijing summer games

How many many Olympic medals has Bulgaria won?

Bulgaria has won 213 Olympic medals including the Summer and Winter games. * 207 Summer * 6 Winter

What country has won the most olympic medals in one game?

In the St Louis games, the U.S. won 235 medals. Germany won the second most that year with 13 total medals. Then in 1984 the US won 174 which is the second most ever won

Which country has won the most summer olympic medals overall?

There are no winter Olympics in 2016. Winter Olympics are held every four years on a two-year offset from the summer Olympics; the last one was in 2014, and the next one will be in 2018.The 2015 Summer Games still have a week or so to go, but the US is currently leading with gold medals in 26 events. Second place is currently Great Britain with 16, with China (15) hot on their heels. The US is also leading the overall medal count at 70, with China in second place with 46.