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Mary Lou Retton

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Q: Whaich athlete other than gaylord could be considered star of 1984 Olympics?
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Which best tells what happens in a comedy?

Comedies often revolve around humorous situations, misunderstandings, and light-hearted themes. They aim to entertain and make the audience laugh through jokes, funny dialogue, and comedic timing. Typically, comedies have a happy ending where conflicts are resolved, and characters end up in a positive or humorous situation.

What is focal hypoechogenicity?

, I have done some research on this because I recently had a ultrasound on a mass whaich stated there was a central focal area of hypoechogenicity. According to the Merriam-Webster online Medical dictionary, "echogenic" means: reflecting ultrasound waves and "hypo" means: less than, below, or under Therefore, hypoechogenicity could refer to something that does not reflect ultrasound waves well (or uniformly). Generally, this would be a more firm or dense mass like mine. Hopefully this helps!

What are the advantages of having a website as an airline?

there are a numerous amount of reasons, so here are a few: Flight comparison websites will help the airline get passengers, People can use online-booking, People with queries may use the website rather than phoning, meaning less time on hold, people may check luggage max. dimensions, meaning less people showing up with bags whaich are too big, whiach may in turn stress out the passenger. All of these reasons will help the airline gain popularity, passenger trust, happy passengers, and most of all PROFIT!

How much does a trumpet produce vibration?

When you buzz into a trumpet, the airstream looks like a sine wave, it's basically vibrating. When the airstream is sent through the horn, the air gets to take shape and resonate, creating sound. Some vibrations can also be caused by a poorly made horn or in my case, my Bach's F-Rod when I go to the low F sharp...................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... To actually answer the question:A trumpet does not produce vibration, the buzzing of the lips is the vibration that gets amplified and translated into the tones that we hear through its travel through the tubing which is shortened/lengthed by the players selection of the valves whaich are moved down and up. Pitch is relative to the rapidity of the vibrations and degree of tension created by the buzzing lips.

Is hydra asexual or sexual reproduction?

I believe it is just called asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction requires no sex cells at all. Asexual reproduction is common amongst plants, single-celled organisms and simple animals. An advantage of asexual reporoduction is producing large numbers of offsprging very quickly. The offspring is called a clone. The Hydra bud off small pieces whaich have grown from their bodies. 1) The hydra starts by developing a "bud." 2) The bud then develops a mouth and tentacles. 3) When the daughter is fully formed, the daughter hdra detatches itself from the parent. 4) The daughter hydra is now fully independent.