

Were there any other olympic games in the ancient time?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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No. There were no Olympic games beside the on from Olympia.

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Q: Were there any other olympic games in the ancient time?
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Why did the Olympic games in ancient Greece time take place?

by the hunor of king zuez

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for the modern time olympic games (after the ancient greek ones) it's the united states with 7 times, 4 times for the summer Olympics and 3 for the winter Olympics. every other country has had the olympic games no more than 3-4 time excluding France who have had the games 5 times

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I don't really know but it started in 776 BC and ended in 393 ad

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There is not a term with Olympic standing on its own. There is the term Olympic Games, which can be abbreviated as the OlympicS. The modern Olympic Games are well known. The original games, were the Ancient Olympic Games, a multi-sport event held in Olympia, Greece between 776 BC and 393 AD. There were not any contacts between the Greeks and the Maya. At that time the existence of America was not even known. America was discovered in the late 15th century, roughly 1,100 years after the end of the ancient Olympic games

Was there ever a time when there were no Olympics?

The ancient Olympic Games were celebrated from 776 BC to approximate 393 AD. The modern Olympics began in 1896. So there was about a 1500 year lull there where no Olympic Games were held.

How long did the ancient Greeks train before the Olympic games?

They train either trained for a long time, a normal amount of time or for a sort time. I forgot.

Why where the ancient Olympic games so significant in the lives of the early Greeks?

It was very significant because it was a time to honor Zeus the god of gods.

What was the truce in the ancient Greek Olympic games?

The anual truce held for the olympic games was a national truce, when all provinces would stop fighting for a month. this month centered around the time of the Olympic games. the truce was held with the purpose of allowing all the athletes (predominantly soldiers) to travel to the games unharmed and alowing them the peace of mind required to prepare one's self for the Olympics. The truce ended all wars.

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well, in ancient boxing they wore gloves and there were no time limits/breaks

Did the Ancient Greeks do the torch relay in the Olympic games?

The ancient Greeks were not the first people to do the torch relay. The torch relays origin dates back to the 1930's and was started by Germany (Nazi Germany, at the time)

How is the Olympics today similar to the Greeks' olympic games?

One of the most common things between the ancient and the modern Games is that most sports held in the ancient Games are now held in the modern Games. Both Games are held over more than one day and every fourth year. At the start of the ancient Olympic Games every competitor, judge and coach had to take an oath to agree not to cheat. But now in the modern Games competitors, judges and coaches don't have to take the oath individually, just one competitor, judge and coach says the oath, which is on behalf of all competitors, judges and coaches. In both cases, an Olympic truce is declared allowing athletes from any country to compete, even those at war or in turmoil. Importantly, the Olympic Games, allow athletes from all countries to come together peacefully to compete in a safe environment and this promotes a sense of national pride for people in all nations. At the completion of each event, both the ancient and modern Games distribute awards. In the ancient Games the award to an athlete would be palm branches and fillets or woollen ribbons; these were tied around the winners head, arms and legs. In the modern Games medals are given to first, second and third.