

Was there clocks in the olden days?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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12y ago

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the sun in short

Depends on how far back you want to go. At one time they just used the movement of the sun. They didn't need to know hours or seconds or even months. They just needed to know it was time to get up, time to go to bed, time to plant and a time to reap. If something took 6 months to grow or make that is what it took.

As we move forward in time the sundial was used, and the half hour glass or hour glass was used. This is the oldest type clock and was first used 3500 BC. Around 1400 BC water clocks were invented in Egypt and were very popular in Greece. The water clock was better than the sundial because it didn't need the sun to tell time. The Greeks divided the year into 12 parts that they called months and they divided the months into 30 parts. Since the earth goes around the sun in one year and follows a circular path, the Greeks decided to divide the circle into 360 degrees.

In the 1500's a man in Germany invented a spring powered clock and the first clock with a minute hand was invented by Jost Burgi in 1577. By 1600 the pendulum clock had been invented.

By the 1700's there were clocks and church bells would ring the hour. I saw a clock in the British Museum that was the shape of a ship made in gold and when to show time little men went up and down the mast and around the deck. It seemed to have little gears inside to make it move . I saw another clock in Russia that was made in the same time period and it was a large tree with peacocks who moved when it told time. So they had some really neat ways to tell time.

In 1884 delegates from 25 countries met and divided the world into time zones .In the late 1800's the pocket watch was made. Men and women had pocket watches that they wore. The wristwatch came out by the 1920's and so was the quartz crystal clock invented.

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