no. the only way to get out while base running is: if you get thrown out. if you get tagged out. or, if you lead off before the pitcher has released the ball.
Think of any ball you have ever held in your hand. A baseball, a softball, a tennis ball, a bowling ball - those are all spheres.
i bathed a kitten once in my life.You can bath a kitten but they do not like it.
i dont think you would ever use a black softball
Yes but it wont be called Dragon Ball Z, it will be called Dragon Ball KAI
vickie hulme is the bestest girl you will ever meet and she has a beutiful kitten called princess mittens:)
the ball doesn't roll because the person called scott farted and the ball died
A soft softball is made out of foam and never actually used in a real game of softball. If it is ever used, it is probably used in PE. or in a game that is just for fun. A hard softball is used in a real game of softball. A certified softball is a lime green sort of color and comes in a variety of sizes. The smallest size is 10 inches around, another is 11 inches around, and the biggest (and the one used for college softball and the Olympic team) is 12 inches around. Most of the time you would use the smaller sized softballs in a little league and a s the kids got older, the size of the ball gets bigger. The string that hold the ball together is red, just like a baseball. Softballs weigh about 175-178 grams. It's density is 15.5 to 16.5 per square inch.
i have no idea this girl on my softball team took my number and i am tring to find hers
Invented? Well, softball is simply the female version of baseball. No huge difference. Just the pitchers, the glove, and the ball and the obvious, it's a girls sport. Apparently, who ever invented or developed softball, thought females shouldn't be allowed to play with males, so established a new sport. More intense and difficult in certain cases. I hope this answers your question
no never never after