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Summer Olympics occur every four years.

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Are the summer Olympics occur every years?

The Summer Olympics are held every 4 years

Does the summer Olympics occur every 2 years?

Does the summer Olympics occur every 2 years?

How often does the summer olympic occur?

The Summer Olympics occurs every four years!

Summer Olympics occur every how much years?

The Summer Olympics take place every four years.

Summer Olympics occurs every how many year?

4 years 4 yearsThe Summer Olympics are held once every 4 years.

How often are the summer Olympics?

The Olympics are held once every fourth year.

The summer Olympics occur every how many yeasrs?

the Summer and winter Olympics are held every 4 years and over millens of people go and play and some watch the game and I don't know why go on and findout.

Is the summer Olympics occur every 4 years?

yes the summer Olympics do occur every four years !!! i hope i helped

Is the summer Olympics held every year?

The summer Olympics is held every four years.

Summer Olympics occur every?

every 4 years

Are the summer Olympics held every 2 years?

No they are held every 4 years.

Why is there no Summer Olympics in 2010?

because the summer Olympics come every 4 years and so do the winter Olympics. they alternate every 2 years. so this year is winter and in 2 years in summer