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Q: The name of the ladder he saw angels ascending and descending?
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Name all of the different sections of the aorta?

Ascending, arch, descending thoracic and abdominal

What is the name of the missing artery between the ascending aorta and descending thoracic aorta?

The Arch, but is not missing anyway

What is the name of the field that is in either ascending or descending order and will be searched when a table-lookup is performed?

Index field.

Data organized in ascending or descending oreder?

Data organized in ascending or descending order is called stacking data. Stacking data is usually organized by number or by alphabet.

How you rearrange the data in ascending or descending order?

Select the data you want to sort. Then use the Sort option, picking A to Z for ascending order or Z to A for descending order. You can choose which columns to sort by and even to do primary and secondary sorts, like sorting first by surname and then by first name.

What is the name of a short portable ladder that can be attached to a karabiner or fifi hook?

A etrier is a short portable ladder that can be attached to a karabiner or fifi hook. It is commonly used in climbing and aid climbing to assist in ascending steep or vertical sections of a route.

What column heading do you click to file names alphabetically?

Please ask this question again using words that make it clear what you would like to know. Ensure you put the question in the correct category to get a meaningful answer. My best guess is that the answer to your question is to click on the heading in the Windows Explorer above the file name to sort files. You can switch back and forth between ascending or descending sorts by clicking the heading multiple times.

Name the specific regions and anatomical land marks of the large intestine?

The parts of the large intestine are the cecum, colon, and rectum. The colon is subdivided into the ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and sigmoid colon.

What did Jacob learn with his two encounters with god?

Jacob had two important experiences of meeting god.The first occurance when he was fleeing his brother.On the road of Bethel,he had a remarkable dream of angels ascending and descending the ladder to Heaven. In this dream god repaeted the terms of the covenant made with his grandfather,Abraham. Years later Jacob desired a reconsilliation with Esau. Before the meeting took place,Jacob had a strange meeting with a mysterious person who wrestled with him all night Jacob presisted all night and earned a name Israel-meaning "one who contends with God"This meeting blessed Jacob transforming him into an honerable man.

What is the main part of the large intestine?

The first part of the large intestine is called the cecum. The terminal illuem (last part of the small intestine) connects to the cecum at the illeocecal valve. From the cecum the large intestine will start to ascend hence the name ascending colon. The appendix (the bit that is often removed as a result of appendicitis) is often found off the cecum.

What does the name Jordan?

The name Jordan means "descending" or "flow down".

What was Watson and cricks name for twisted-ladder of DNA?

Watson and Crick named the twisted-ladder structure of DNA as a "double helix".