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longshore drift

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Q: The movement of sand parallel to the shore?
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What is the movement of sand parallel to the shore?


What is a ridge of sand that runs parallel to the shore called?

A 'sand bar'.

The movement of sand along the beach is called?

long-shore drift

What doesn't affect the movement of sediment along the shore?

size of sand grains

What is a barrier built at a right angle to the beach to trap sand that is moving parallel to the shore?


Along what does longshore currents transport sediment?

Waves approach a shore obliquely (at an angle) due to the effects or the tides, currents the coriolis effect etc. and then retreat due to gravity straight. A good analogue is to roll a marble up a slope at an angle; it will fall more linearly on its return. Hope this helps.

What is called a barrier built at a right angle to the beach for the purpose of trapping sand that is moving parallel to the shore?


What is longshore drift?

How sand and other materials are carried parallel to the shore by the waves. The waves approach the beach at an angle.Longshore drift is the movement of sediment along the coastline.Longshore drift is the transport of erosion sands along a shoreline by the current flowing along it.

What are the barrier of beaches?

sand ridges that rise slightly above the surface of the sea and run roughly parallel to the shore, from which it is separated by a lagoon.

What two processes contribute to longshore drift?

Long-shore drift occurs in two ways: the wave driven movement of sand along the exposed beach and the current-driven movement of sand in the surf zone just offshore.

What are sand splits and barrier islands?

Sand Spit: A sand spit is an elongated line of sand that usually extends parallel to shore. Barrier Islands: Barrier Islands are long,narrow coastal island.

What is a sandy shore?

It is a shore made up of sand