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Q: The more elastic the medium the slower sound travels in it?
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Why does sound travel faster closer to the ground than in the air?

The stiffer meduim- travels quicker The denser the medium-travels slower

Does sound increase or decrease with altitude?

With no air, you get no sound, so guessing it decreases, also sound travels slower in a less dense medium.

Can sound travel through ground?

hi, sound does travel through ground. the speed at which sounds travels depends on the medium. the denser the medium, the slower it travels and stiffer the medium, the faster it travels.

Velocity of sound depends on?

The medium through which it is propagating. For exampl if the sound waves are travelling in air they will move slower than those travelling through a wall speed of sound in solids > speed of sound in liquids > speed of sound in gases

What is the effect of medium on sound travel?

The thicker and denser the medium, the slower sound will travel through it. The density of the medium matters because the denser the substance is, the more material the sound has to vibrate per inch it travels through the substance. This forces it to slow down.

What is the fact of medium on the speed of sound?

Sound travels at different speeds depending on the medium. Sound will travel the fastest through solids.

The speed of sound varies when?

sound travels faster or slower depending on the medium it is moving through and the temperature of the medium :]

Sound travels faster in a?

"dense medium"

Which medium sound travels faster?


What do you call the path that sound travels in?


What travels through a medium as a disturbence?


Sound is a disturbance that travels through a medium?

a medium as longitude wave