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Q: The Chicago Cubs play in the National Baseball League as opposed to American Baseball League?
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Why did Jackson opposed the national bank?

Andrew Jackson opposed the first National Bank because he disliked the people running the national bank.

What were the philosophical and political disagreement between Hamilton and Jefferson that led to the creation of the first American political parties?

Hamilton-supported business, had loose interpretation of the Constitution, supported the National Bank, supported tariffs, opposed the French RevolutionJefferson-supported agriculture, had strict interpretation of the Constitution, opposed the National Bank, opposed tariffs, supported the French Revolution

What are people opposed to a strong national government called?

In American history they are known as Anti-Federalist and then the Confederates from the American Civil War era also were opposed to a strong central government. Although each nation/region has there own terms and movements and varies from time to time.

Who was a leading figure in the American Revolution and later opposed ratification of the Constitution on the grounds that the national government should be a union of states and not also of people?

Thomas Jefferson

Who opposed the revolutionary movement?

The British opposed the American revolutionary movement

Why did American opposed imperialism?

Because it is opposed to the concept of individual freedom.

Who opposed a national bank in 1816?

Andrew Jackson strongly apposed the National Bank.

Why were some people opposed to the national bank?

it was very expensive to operate the national bank

Why American opposed imperialism?

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How did the South feel about the national roads in the West?

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How did southerns and Calhoun feel about the American system?

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