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135 points. 81 divided by 3 is 27, times 5 is 135.

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Q: The Bigtown football team outscored its opponents 5 to 3 last season If their opponents scored 81 points how many points did Big town score?
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Scoring more points than your opponent. For example, "The Saints beat the Colts. They outscored them 27-24."

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Athletes may score points based on the rules of the game. Example like football were players have to score by getting the ball to the opponents end zone with passion of the ball.

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If you hit in to the opponents goal from the goalie it is 2 points. if you shoot from anything Else it is 1 point.

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A touchdown in highschool football is worth 6 points.

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disqualification/freekick/removal of points from team

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The Net Points in NFL Standing represents the PF (points for, or points scored by the team) minus PA (points against, or points scored by opponents on the team). AKA it is how many more points a team has scored than they have let up.

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Points Against (how many points their opponents have scored against them during the season), and Points For (how many points the team itself has scored during the season)

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Two points, from what i heard

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