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Q: Sound change in frequency due to motion?
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What do you call the change in sound frequency due to a relative motion?

The Doppler Effect.

A train passes by blowing its whistle As it passes the sound of the whistle is lower than it was on its way towards you This is due to?

a change in the sound's frequency caused by the motion of the sound's source

Does the wave speed change in the Doppler effect?

Yes, the Doppler effect defines the change in speed of a sound wave due to motion. As I recall, the Doppler Effect is a change in the frequency of a wave, not its speed. Yep, I'm pretty sure Doppler is a frequency change, not a speed of sound change.

What is the change in frequency of a sound due to motion of the source?

The change in frequency is caused by the Doppler Effect

If the bug in the demonstration moves forward does the speed of the waves change. What does change?

The speed of the wave stays same but the frequency change due to motion.

When a sound source approaches you does it get higher or lower?

Higher. Well, the pitch gets higher. Frequency itself can never change. Pitch is our perception of frequency. The change in pitch due to position is known as the Doppler Effect.

Would it be correct to say that the Doppler effect is the apparent change in speed of a wave due to motion of the source?

No, the doppler effect applies to changes in frequency.

Would it be correct to say that the Doppler effect is the apparent change in the speed of a wave due to motion of the source?

No, the doppler effect applies to changes in frequency.

The Doppler effect is observed only when?

Relative motion. It is a change of wavelength (and thus it's derivative for any known speed 'frequency'), due to a wave sequence moving into a new medium which is in relative motion. It is more commonly but simplistically just termed as the phenomenon of apparent change in the frequency of sound whenever there is a relative motion between the source and the listener. With EM waves, a shortening of the wavelength is 'blue shift' bluer light, and a lengthening 'red shift'. (redder light.). In Astronomy we can tell if the distance to an emitter is 'closing' or 'opening' by the overall Doppler shift of the light. Doppler effect is asymmetric in the case of sound but it is symmetric in the case of light. It was found centuries ago by Christian Doppler, so a capital D should be used.

How can we break glass using sound?

when the natural frequency of glass matches with the frequency of sound than glass can be shettered as it is due to the phenomenon of resonance

Would it be correct to say that the Doppler effect is the apparent change in the speed of a wave due to the motion of the source?

No. The Doppler effect is about a change of frequency, not about a change of speed. The relative speed may change as well, but that's not what the Doppler effect is about.

After an approaching ambulance passes a stationary observer what does the frequency of the sound of the siren heard by the observer appear to do?

Soften... It is lower due to the Doppler effect. Decrease =]