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If you are not allergic to any of the ingredients and you have reviewed with a physician I would say yes.

I play soccer and use it before certain games and find it gives me allot of energy.

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Q: Should you use 5 hour energy in a soccer game?
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How long before a soccer game should a player eat?

at least an hour if not more but dont eat greasy foods before the game. eat like a salad or something that gives u energy but not anything big. and the night before a game try to eat noodles. they give u energy for the game ideally two hours before a game, eating pasta and potatoes will boost your carbohydrate levels to give you more energy.

How many hours a soccer game played?

1 hour and 30 min.....

How many minutes do you play soccer during a game?

1 hour and 30 mintues

How long does a soccer game run for?

normally 1 hour 15 Minutes each quarter. time gets stopped for injuries

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What does an expert soccer player need to prepare for a soccer game?

I don't know if you would say I'm an expert at soccer but I have been playing for 7 years. I usually drink a little Gatorade about 1 hour to a half hour before the game. About 15 minutes to when the game starts I run through my Quick stretching routine to warm up my muscles.

The soccer game starts at six oclock It ends one and a quarter hours later what time does the soccer game end?

The awnser is 7:15 because you simply divide 60 by 4 (15) and add it to one hour.

How do you be a good soccer player?

there should be a teacher. play atleast 1 hour with him. Gradually, by copying him you will be like him

Which burns more calories basketball or soccer?

Both are aerobic workouts and have all the benefits of such method of exercising. Because of the bursts of energy needed in those games, the workout may be slightly better than more regular aerobic movements.

At soccer practice on Saturday morning, Jada's team practiced dribbling for 1 hour and practiced shooting for 40 minutes. Then, they played a scrimmage game for 1 hour and 5 minutes before practice ended at 11:50 AM What time did Jada's soccer start?

They started at 9:05 AM

How many miles run in an indoor soccer game?

There are two halves of 25 minutes each. Halftime can range from 5 to 10 minutes, so you end up with an indoor game taking anywhere from 55 minutes to an hour.

How early should you show up for a professional football game?

About one hour.