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both 30 mins before and 30 mins after. but if you only want to once, 30 mins after.

drink protein if you want ur muscles to be bigger

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Q: Should you drink protein before or after working out and on every workout?
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Can you eat a meal before or after working out?

You should eat a Meal before you start your workout and after

Should you eat during a workout?

No, you should eat protein before and after, but drink a lot of water during.

When can you use eas myoplex carb control protein shake after your workout or before?

Its better after a workout but you can before also.

Can i take L glutamine even if I'm already taking a pre workout supplement before my workout and protein after I workout?

That depends entirely on the contents of your pre-workout supplement. You should always check with your doctor or nutritionist before taking, changing, or combining supplements.

Should you consume protein before working out?

You don't need to, and in fact you very likely will not notice a difference. But it is a good source of protein and it is important to have energy (which would of course also come from carbs) before your workout. It would probably better to have the whey immediately afterwards however.

Should one have protein before or after exercise?

Yes. Whether it's before or after shouldn't matter too much. Studies have shown a favorable spike in hormones whether protein is taken before or after a workout. Remember that protein takes some time to digest (1-2 hours for whey), so if you have a protein shake just before you a workout it'll only be at maximumabsorption just as you're finishing.

Will protein effect you the same if you eat it one hour after working out?

Consuming protein shortly after a workout has been shown to cause a favorable spike in testosterone levels, which is thought to be beneficial for building muscle. Consequently, many nutrition and exercise experts recommend consuming protein either before or immediately after a workout.

How much better is it to have a protein shake before a workout?

You don't exactly need a protein shake before your workout. A protein shake is best taken right after you are finished with your workout. After your workout your muscles have begun to break down and the faster you take in some protein the faster your muscles will recover. I would only recommend taking protein at other times of the day if you are not recieving the approximate amount of protein you need through your diet.

Is it necessary to take a protein shake before your workout?

No, but it will help

When do you use creatine powder and whey protein powder before or after workout sessions or during?

I use Protein before, during, and after. I use ceatine after. It helps keep up the after workout pump.

Should I do a pre workout stretch before each workout?

You should always stretch before working out. Failing to stretch properly before a workout will result in injuries. Shin splints are a common injury for runners and they are frequently a result of not properly stretching out. "Mountain climber" exercises are a great way to improve agility and speed.

Which protein is best pre-workout?

You can get the best nutrition including protein if you drink whole milk or low fat milk before workout. You would want whey protein before you workout. What brand of protein is up to you but Optimum Nutrition is one of the most popular. I would stay away from the super cheap protein from target and walmart because it usually is lower quality.