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Q: Should a feedback be solicified or imposed?
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What type of conditions do you feel should be imposed on probationer?

It has nothing to do with what anyone contributing here feels should be imposed, it is up to the JUDGE, who is following the law, to determine what restrictions should be imposed.

Should Feedback should be focused on the behavior rather than the person?

Effective feedback should focus on the person, not the behavior

Should you feedback at work?

Yes you should

What are the characteristics of feedback?

Feedback should be specific, timely, and constructive. It should focus on behaviors that can be changed, and be given with the intention to help the recipient improve. Feedback should also be solicited and open to discussion for clarification.

Do all technological systems have feedback?

Yes, all systems should have feedback

Should ethics be imposed on business?

Ethics should not be imposed on business. Each business should have its own inside code of ethics and shouldn't need someone else to tell them what to do.

When feedback should be given?

Feedback should be given regularly, both in the moment and through formal evaluations. It is important to provide feedback when it is timely and specific to the situation, and to ensure that it is constructive, balanced, and focused on behaviors that can be changed. Feedback should also be given in a private setting to respect the individual's privacy and promote open communication.

What should a poet do to best use feedback from peers?

Consider the feedback carefully and make edits that seem right

When soliciting authentic feedback as a means of increasing self knowledge you should?

Be sure that the feedback session is part of a formal process.

Is it correct to say feedback is welcomed or should one say feedback is welcome?

Both are correct, with slightly different meanings. In "feedback is welcome," which is the most common usage, welcome is an adjective describing feedback. In "feedback is welcomed," welcomed is a passive participle referring to the manner in which feedback is received. As an example of the latter : Feedback is welcomed warmly.

What is output feedback design?

A: A system ideally should have infinite gain but if that is so then it will saturate to one state or the other Feedback [negative] insure that will not happen the feedback will control the saturation making it stable.

Performance feedback should be accomplished face to face?
