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After seizing power, the Bolsheviks became the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

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Q: New name for the Bolsheviks after they seized power?
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What was the Bolsheviks' new name after they seized power?

The Communists was the Bolsheviks new name after seizing power in 1917. In March 1918 the officially changed the name.

When did the Bolshevik Party led by Vladimir Lenin seize power?

The Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917 saw the Bolsheviks seize the main power base in Russia. They staged an armed insurrection in Petrograd and succeeded in establishing themselves as the new governing power.

What was the new name taken by Russian socialist revolutionaries in 1918 from the writings of Karl Marx that described workers who had seized power of the economy?

The new name 'Communists' was adopted by Bolsheviks at their Seventh Party Congress in March 1918.Note: The 'Bolsheviks' as a faction of the Russian Social Democratic Party are not to be confused with another socialist party named 'Socialist Revolutionaries.' This question specifically uses the term "socialist revolutionaries," but it obviously does not mean the political party that was then known as the "Socialist Revolutionaries," because the "Socialist Revolutionaries", as well as all other political parties, were abolished by the Communists.The new name taken was "Communists." Prior to March 1918, they were known as Bolsheviks.

What was the new name for the Bolsheviks after the revolution?

The Bolsheviks changed their name to Communists. After the October Revolution at their Seventh Party Congress in March 1918, they formally changed the name of the party to the Communist Party.

Who did the Bolsheviks seize power from in November 1917?

The Bolsheviks took power from the Russian Provisional Government in November 1917 (October according to the Russian calendar). At that time the Provisional Government had already replaced Tsar Nicholas II and by November it was headed by Alexander Kerensky. The Bolsheviks did not seize power from Tsar Nicholas II. The Provisional Government was set up in place of the Tsar's government to maintain order and run the country until a new constitution could be written.

What was the name of the former Dutch colony that was seized by the British?

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What was the new name taken by Russian socialist revolutionaries in 1918 from Karl Marx?

I think you are referring to the Bolsheviks.

Control of the new Russia was won by who?

The Bolsheviks

Control of the new Russia was won by?

The Bolsheviks

Why did the communists succeeded in overthrowing the Provisional Government in the November 1917 Revolution?

Tactically, the Bolsheviks seized key railroad, telegraph and military installations that paralyzed the Provisional Government and kept it from being able to coordinate a defense. The Bolsheviks were a minority Marxist revolutionary group that most revolutionaries did not want to have full governmental power. The other parties did feel that it would be better to have the Provisional Government overthrown and work out the details of other parties participating in the government later. The feeling was that the Bolsheviks would be outvoted and removed. They actually thought the Bolsheviks would permit other parties to participate in the new government. They were wrong. The Bolsheviks had been recruiting followers in the army. They had so many that many units simply refused to obey orders and turned on their officers and shot them. By October, the Bolsheviks had many of their followers as members of the local councils of workers, soldiers and peasants called soviets. The Provisional Government had an agreement with the soviets that it would not pass any major legislation without first consulting the soviets. Thus, the Bolsheviks had the support of the soviets, which had strong influence on what was done in the government and they backed the Bolsheviks.

Why did the communists succeeded in overthrowing the Provisional Government in November 1917 Revolution?

Tactically, the Bolsheviks seized key railroad, telegraph and military installations that paralyzed the Provisional Government and kept it from being able to coordinate a defense. The Bolsheviks were a minority Marxist revolutionary group that most revolutionaries did not want to have full governmental power. The other parties did feel that it would be better to have the Provisional Government overthrown and work out the details of other parties participating in the government later. The feeling was that the Bolsheviks would be outvoted and removed. They actually thought the Bolsheviks would permit other parties to participate in the new government. They were wrong. The Bolsheviks had been recruiting followers in the army. They had so many that many units simply refused to obey orders and turned on their officers and shot them. By October, the Bolsheviks had many of their followers as members of the local councils of workers, soldiers and peasants called soviets. The Provisional Government had an agreement with the soviets that it would not pass any major legislation without first consulting the soviets. Thus, the Bolsheviks had the support of the soviets, which had strong influence on what was done in the government and they backed the Bolsheviks.

What was the new name of the Russian socialist revolutionaries in 1922?

By 1922, the Russian socialist revolutionaries who had taken over Russia were known as "Communists." They had been the "Bolsheviks" until they held their Seventh Party Congress in March 1918 and adopted the name Communists. There had been other revolutionary parties, (one was the "Social Revolutionaries") besides the Bolsheviks, but the Bolsheviks were the only ones that survived until 1922.