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this is called a pyramid by Clio High School.

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Q: May you see a picture of a cheerleading stunt?
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Picture of cheerleading hurkey?

See the related link for a picture of a hurkey in cheerleading.

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Can tall girls play cheerleading?

Usually you see short people play cheerleading but if your tall and you really love cheerleading go for it but I'm tall and I stick with volleyball

Can a cheerleading captain be a flyer?

I don't see whynot

Do punk girls do cheerleading?

Yes they do. They call it 'Radical Cheerleading' instead. See link:

May I see a Picture of infitigo?

its spelled inpetigo no infitigo

May you see a picture of a cyphoid?

No. The site can not show a pic.

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Is cheerleading a sport or an activity?

DUDE! CHEERLEADING IS A HUGE SPORT THAT IS GROWING RAPIDLY IN THE US! I have been in cheerleading since I was 6. It is a blast! You get to hang out with friends, be noticed, and exercise! Don't judge a sport by what you see on tv.Cheerleading isn't easy-why else would there be tryouts! Not all cheerleaders are quote quote popular brats. Cheerleaders are deticated, spirited athletes that aren't afraid to be in front of the fans.Cheerleading is made up of dances, jumps, kicks, motions, and stunts. At practices, you do conditioning like running, crunches, push-ups, and stretches. If you are a cheerleader, you are a frontspot, backspot, base, or flyer (in stunts).There are 2 different types of cheerleading. Competitive is the hardest. This is when you and your team do all of the cheer elements in a 2-3 minute rutine on a large stage. There is no football or basketball. The next is school cheer, which is just a little less hard depending on the school. This is when you cheer in front of the other sports and do pep rallies. You usually have try-outs.Here are SOME of the athletic things we do in cheer:Toe touch (jump)Hurkey (jump)Hurdler (jump)Pike (jump)Tuck (jump)Sponge (stunt possition)Half (stunt possition)Full/Extention (stunt possition)Libs (stunt)Log Roll (stunt dismount)Basket (stunt launch)Scorpian (stunt)Bow'n'arrow (stunt)Right kick (kick)Left kick (kick)High V (motion)Low V (motion)T (motion)Broken T (motion)Goal Posts (motion)Right Punch (motion)Left Punch (motion)Right Diagonal (motion)Left Diagonal (motion)K (motion)

What do you mean the word big picture or whole picture?

To see the whole picture is to see things as they really are, not what you are told or what you may have read. Examples of this are seing the whole picture behind the news instead of just what is shown and said on the show.

Which is correct - What do you see IN the picture or what do you see ON the picture?

"What do you see IN the picture" is correct. "In" is used to refer to something contained within an object, like details or objects found in the picture. "On" is used to refer to something that is physically on top of the object.