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i believe it is steroid but i would double check on another source

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Q: Lipids with a four-ring structure are called?
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How do you describe Lipids as structure?

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Why does cholesterol belong to lipids?

Lipid is a term that is used to describe all types of fats. Cholesterol's structure falls under the category of lipids.

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Lipids do give cells membranes a flexible structure that forms a strong barrier between the cell and the cell surroundings. Hence, the lipid surrounds the structure which then forms the shape of the cell.

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Steroids are lipids. Lipids are organic soluble, instead of water soluble. Their basic structure is that of the steroid ring: four linked rings of carbon.

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Plant organelles that store starches or lipids are called plastids, but not the chloroplasts.

How do the three major types of lipids differ in structure?

See the related link below to graphics illustrating the structure of phospholipids.

What structure attaches carbohydrates and lipids to proteins using enzymes?

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