Get under the vehicle and look up into the bumper where the housing is located. Squeeze the tabs and push the housing out of the bumper. It takes about 10 seconds.
The light is built into the bumper on that car. Just above the plate.
Center of the front bumper, right above the license plate.
Center of the front bumper, right above the license plate.
under the front bumper just above the license plate.
locate the main wire and make some pressure at the plastic housing in the rear bumper and pull backward, now remove it from the bumper. after that make a half turn to the plastic housing where the light bulb is located. now you can remove the light bulb form housing, replace for a new one . repeat the step by step to place the housing bulb on the bumper and ready to roll.
I have a 1997 Tahoe with a trailer hitch. There are two, u-shapped retaining clips on the "inside" of the bumper. Slide the clips off. Now you can pull the housing through the "outside" of the bumper. Twist the socket out of the housing and replace the bulb. Installation is the reverse.
on the bumper?
These jeeps have a metal plate, and then a rubber bumper cover is bolted onto the plate. There are two bolts on either side of the bumper cover (on the inside of the bumper cover). Taking the cover off requires a ratchet. Taking the plate off requires a bit more work, as there are more bolts to contend with, as well as the skid plate, etc.
Remove the two screws that hold the cover plate on to the bumper recess and remove the plate. If no cover plate is there, then loosen the screws only. After the plate is removed or the screws loosened what ever you may have on your vehicle just move the housing around the edge of the license plate recess. Turn the bulb assembly 1/4 of a turn counter-clockwise and the bulb housing will come out of the plastic casing. Exchange bulb and reinstall the opposite way.
I have an SLT 780 & the VIN plate is riveted to the stern fiberglass directly above the impeller housing. Steve