

Is there an event called triple jump?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Is there an event called triple jump?
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Related questions

The triple jump event involves a hop a jump and a?

the order is HOP STEP JUMP

When was triple jump accepted as an Olympic sport?

Triple jump for men was an event at the first modern Olympics in 1896.

What country is Triple Jump mostly Held in?

Triple jump is a track and field athletics event and takes place in those countries where that sport is popular. It is believed that the event was first competed in Ireland and Scotland.

For which event was the first Olympic Gold Medal awarded in 1896?

Triple Jump

What was the first recorded in modern day olympic event?

In 1896, the first recorded event was the Men's Triple Jump.

Triple jump was called?

A running Hop, skip, and jump.---------------------------------------------------------------- In Scotland's lowland games, where much of the event's initial documentary evidence is from, it was known as the hop, skip and leap. It was known as the hop, step and jump for a long time officially.

What track event did Wilt Chamberlain excel in?

the high jump, shot put, 100 meter dash, and triple jump

Who won the silver medal in men's triple jump at the Rio 2016 Olympics?

The silver medal in the Men's Triple Jump event at the Rio 2016 Olympics was awarded to Will Claye.

Who won the silver medal in women's triple jump at the Rio 2016 Olympics?

Yulimar Rojas was the silver medalist in the Women's Triple Jump event at the Rio 2016 Olympics.

What was James Connelly Gold medal event in athens Olympics 1896?

Triple Jump.

Who won the first olympic event?

James Connelly, Triple Jump, USA, 1896.

Name the sport formerly called hop-step-jump?

The triple jump